What does it cost?

As a member you will pay a member contribution and a monthly fee. When you use a car you will pay for the time, the driving distance and a booking fee. The booking fee includes a Loss Damage Waiver (LDW).

Member contribution

You will buy your stake in the co-operative society by paying the one-time member contribution of SEK 2000 per household. The membership contribution is normally returned when leaving the society. If the society should have a loss in the fiscal year before the exit from the society, the board can decide to reduce the amount to be paid back. This is according to Swedish Law (1987:667) about ”ekonomiska föreningar” (co-operative societies). (find more information under Become a member).

Monthly fee

The monthly fee is 150 SEK per month. If you actively participate in a work group during the year the fee will be 75 SEK per month the following year.

Hourly fee

SEK 15 – 20  per hour, depending on car model. Free of charge between 23 – 07, which means a maximum fee of SEK 240 – 320 per 24 hours.

Mileage fee (fuel is included!)

SEK 34 – 38 per 10 kilometres depending on car model.

Booking fee

SEK 40 per booking, this includes a Loss Damage Waiver (LDW).

Loss Damage Waiver (optional)

There is an optional Loss Damage Waiver, if you would like to avoid the cost for potential damage to the cars. This is SEK 20 per started 24 hour period. 


All costs are invoiced on a monthly basis and can be paid by card or bankgiro.